
Bienenhaltung – Ein schönes und nützliches Hobby


Do you want to experience nature, discover new things and make yourself useful?

Then keep bees!

Immerse yourself in another world! See nature through different eyes! Discover all the flowers, nature's play with shapes, colors and scents!


Experience the growth and decay, the creation of ever new pictures - just as the best painter cannot create! All of this will happen to you when you keep bees. Because the decisive task of the beekeeper is to support the bee colonies in their development and to promote the full development of their productivity. And that is only possible in harmony with nature.


Die Beobachtung von Witterungsverläufen, das Wahrnehmen des Erblühens und Verblühens der unterschied-lichen Pflanzenarten, die auf die Bestäubung durch Insekten angewiesen sind, sind elementare Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Bienenhaltung. Als Kleingärtner bringen Sie gute Voraussetzungen mit. Dennoch wird Ihnen am Anfang vieles neu sein. Aber im Verlaufe des Imkerns wird Ihr Können zunehmen. Und sie werden Dinge erleben, die Sie vorher nie wahrgenommen haben.


In addition, there is the fascination of the bee colony.


In streng geordneter und dennoch harmonischer und demokratisch regierter Einheit leben etwa 10.000 bis 50.000 Bienen zum Nutzen aller eng beieinander. Entsprechend der altersabhängigen Aufgabenteilung gehen sie dem Putzdienst nach, füttern die Nachkommen, bauen neue Waben, verteidigen das Volk gegen Eindringlinge und Feinde, sammeln Nektar und Pollen oder holen auch kühlendes Wasser, wenn es im Bienenstock zu warm wird. Bei zeitweiliger Überlastung einer Arbeitsgruppe wird von anderen Unterstützung gewährt.


Isn't that awesome?

With increasing environmental awareness, will beekeeping perhaps even become a new trend?

And you are not there?


Currently around 100,000 elderly and young people across Germany have dedicated themselves to beekeeping. You have noticed that those who treat bees peacefully and respectfully need not fear their stings.

On average, each has 10 colonies of bees. These are usually behind your own house or in the garden. Particularly smart allotment garden associations even reserve a garden especially for a beekeeper. This ensures that the blossoms of peach, cherry and apple trees, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries, mountain ash and sunflowers and many other types of plants are pollinated. This creates a richly laid table not only for those with a sweet tooth, but also for squirrels, hedgehogs and songbirds.


Bee colonies can even be found on the edge of some school playgrounds. There they serve to illustrate biology lessons, learning on the living object.


Was ist beim Kauf von Bienen zu beachten?


Currently, the demand for bees is usually greater than the supply. It is ideal to get bees from the region so that the colonies do not have to endure long transport routes. The local beekeeping association is best suited for this. However, the location should be at least 3 kilometers away, otherwise the bees will fly back to the old location. A health certificate is required for every change of location of the bees. Fresh wax structures are a barometer for vitality.


Was kostet ein Bienenvolk?

A newcomer should start with two to three bee colonies. The price of the bee colony is valued according to the brood combs occupied by bees. It is between € 10 and € 28 per brood comb. A swarm of bees is the cheapest - costs around € 50 to € 90. These will be offered from mid-May. The offshoot should not be bought too late in the year so that it has enough development time until winter. In the same year honey can only be harvested after buying from fully developed economic peoples. These are between € 120 and € 180 and should be set up between April and May.


How labor intensive is beekeeping?

The time spent by the bees varies greatly depending on the time of year. The most labor-intensive time for beekeeping is late spring (May / June). As a rule of thumb for the total labor requirement, one can estimate 20 hours per bee colony and year.


Which bee hive is useful?

For a beginner, it is important to invest in the right hive (beehive). A loot system that is in use in the region is best. The advantage: bee colonies, hives and combs can easily be bought or sold. Upper carrier hives like the TopBar have proven themselves, and the magazine hives are also particularly adaptable and versatile. Used hives should be avoided or cleaned and flamed thoroughly.


What equipment do you need for beekeeping?

  • Rauchmaschine: Ein Smoker mit Blasebalg gehört zur Standardausrüstung
  • Stockmeißel: Universalwerkzeug des Imkers
  • Abkehrbesen mit Naturhaar: Dieser sollte hell sein, da Bienen auf dunkle sich bewegende Gegenstände aggressiv werden
  • Arbeitskleidung: Imkeroverall oder Baumwollblusen mit Haube, Lederhandschuhe mit Stoffstulpen

Praktische App für Imker

The beekeeping knowledge app offers digital assistance for beginners. The program for smartphones consists of around 500 questions that can be used to quickly and easily check the level of knowledge about the training folder that has proven itself in beekeeping training. The subject areas are divided into the same twelve chapters, including the glossary, so that orientation is easy.


The app can be downloaded for 5.99 euros for iOS devices in the App Store or Android devices in the Google Play Store.


Bee care


Based on the natural course of the year in the development of honey bees, the seasonal goals in colony management and routine work are described. In the additional seasonal topics you will find frequently requested topics that are closely related to time. It is difficult to pinpoint a period of time in nature.

And now you just need someone to get you off the ground?


You will certainly not get competent help and support for free, but free of charge from the regional beekeeping associations, including: Weser Ems

In addition, the beekeeping associations offer courses for beginners and possibly also for advanced learners. By the way: beekeeping can also be done as a main or sideline. Beekeeping is an apprenticeship with the brisk name: "Animal farmer / specializing in beekeeping".


However, if you don't want to keep bees yourself, but still want to do something to promote honey bees, you have the opportunity to become a member of the “bienen-pate-bremen” or to support the work directly with a donation. Just visit us with your kids at the open day:

An jedem 1. Sonntag im September (10-16 Uhr) erfahren, sehen und erleben Sie mehr!


The bee needs your help.



Industrial agricultural production puts a strain on the health of bees through pesticides and the steadily progressive loss of flowering plant diversity in our landscape. The bee has to struggle with the alienation from humans to nature.






Hello dear bee friends


Have you already noticed that everything is gray and bleak in front of most of the front doors?


Do you want more colorful?

Then green your neighborhood and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, to the improvement of the urban climate and the beautification of your residential area.

Bepflanzt in eurer Straße doch einfach ein Baum Beet, setzt ein Zeichen für ein gutes und grünes Miteinander!

Blossom instead of dog toilet: ---> This is how you create a tree bed. HERE



Times are tough for bees - food shortages, pesticides and the varroa mite threaten the populations of busy pollinators. Hobby gardeners have the opportunity to create a species-appropriate habitat for bees and thus actively counteract the death of bees.

We'll tell you what you can do to protect the bees in your own garden and how you can transform your outdoor area into a paradise for Maya the bee. Just start with your own garden! HERE


If, on the other hand, your donation is earmarked, the following projects are currently being considered.


Info honeycomb


You support the construction and the program of the Info Bienen-Wabe in Grambke. It is to be built from 2018. In the case of a specific sponsorship, a sign is attached to the information honeycomb.




You support the implementation of lessons and apiary visits as part of our Bremen school bee project. The school in Bremen (possibly also in the surrounding area) may choose its own sponsorship for a specific purpose under certain conditions.

Swarm catcher


You support the rescue of a swarm of bees in Bremen. Bringing in the swarms, which are usually reported to us in spring, costs a lot of time and money, which we can no longer afford without your support. The godparents, who support this purpose, will be informed as soon as we go to save a swarm, are allowed to come with us and also follow the further prosperity.


and for every earmarked donation from € 75 there is the wonderful book "Inselzauber Spiekeroog"


hinzu. Wir senden Ihnen dieses in Original Verpackung (Folie eingeschweißt) per Post an Ihre angegebene Adresse.

The book "Inselzauber Spiekeroog - Bilder einer Ferieninsel" closes a long existing gap in the bookshelf of lovers of the literally "magical" island of Spiekeroog. Photographer and author Robert Geipel and Gert Uwe Detlefsen have succeeded in capturing well-researched, loving island impressions and putting them together into a beautiful book on 120 pages. Like former Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker and Johannes Rau, they were certainly just as enthusiastic about this beautiful holiday island as I was by the infinite horizons, the salty air, the playing waves and the sea around Spiekeroog.


Per Überweisung 

Our donation account is:



IBAN DE84 2919 0330 1026 0609 05


Bank name: Volksbank Bremen-Nord


The following payment methods are also accepted:



For tax reasons, we are not allowed to issue donation receipts for bee sponsorships from the tax office, as this donation is associated with a consideration (sponsored honey). bienen-pate-bremen is not recognized as a non-profit organization and is not allowed to issue donation receipts for purely monetary donations.

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