Subject area C - D

Themenbereich  C - D

Carnica: Kärntner Biene (Apis mellifera carnica)


Chitin: The translucent, delicate wings of the bee are made of chitin, a polysaccharide. Chitin is a type of cellulose. It is colorless, light and very stable, almost rigid. This makes it particularly suitable for the formation of wings.


Chromosome set: The chromosome set contains the genes and thus the genetic information of plants and animals. To be on the safe side, this information is available twice. One therefore speaks of a diploid set of chromosomes. The individual chromosomes consist of DNA and proteins.


Dathe pipe: beekeeper's herb pipe. The smoke is used to calm the bees. Today, however, most beekeepers use a smoker instead of the dathe pipe if they do not give up smoking anyway and use clove oil.


Desinfektion: Durch mechanische, physikalische und chemische Methoden werden die Betriebsmittel für den erneuten Einsatz im Bienenvolk vorbereitet.


Deutscher Imkerbund:  Die Vereinigung der Imker, der Deutsche Imkerbund, sieht seine Aufgabe nicht nur darin, die Bienenhaltung und Bienenzucht zu fördern. Er gibt auch Richtlinien heraus, die die Honigqualität definieren und überwachen.


Diptera: Insects with two pairs of wings are called dipteras. The two-winged species include mosquitoes, flies, but also bees. It is irrelevant whether both pairs of wings are still actively used. In mosquitoes and flies, for example, the rear pairs of wings have receded.


Drohn: (der) ist die einzige männliche Biene im Bienenstock. Lediglich in den Monaten Mai bis Juli werden Drohnen im ansonsten weiblichen Bienenvolk geduldet. Sie haben die Aufgabe, die Eier der Königin mit ihrem Samen zu begatten. Hat der Drohn diese Aufgabe erledigt, wird er von den Arbeitsbienen nicht mehr mit Nahrung versorgt und stirbt.


Drone assembly point: To mate with the queen, the drones gather in a free space that is as large as possible. This drone assembly point is approached not only by the drones of their own bee colony, but also by those of other colonies. To do this, they have to take long distances. They cover up to 30 kilometers. The drone collection points are visited by the young queen bees, who are mated there by the drones in flight.


Cutting drones: With drone brood cutting, the increase in the mite population is reduced in the current bee season even before being thrown off.


Drone battle: Around August, when the costume slackens, the drones are driven away from all colonies that have a mated queen that has been found to be able to hibernate. They are pushed away from the feeding grounds and eventually dragged from the hive. After mating they are no longer fed by the workers and starve to death or are asked to leave the beehive. Weakened by a lack of food, they fall to the ground and soon die. Returning drones are no longer allowed into the hive, and the workers sometimes act aggressively against the drones. Any remaining drone brood is sucked out and thrown out.


Glands: are tissues that secrete secretions. In the case of the workers, special wax glands secrete wax for the honeycomb construction. The queen, on the other hand, releases fragrances and messenger substances, i.e. pheromones, via her glands, which prevent other female bees from growing ovaries.


Scent gland: With the help of a scent gland, the workers in the beehive orient themselves. The fragrance is released at watering points or feeding places, but also when stalking, i.e. when showing the way back to the bees. If the bees swarm out, they recognize each other as members of the same colony by the scent. The scent gland, also known as Nassanoff's gland or sternal gland, is located on the bees' abdomen.


Scent memory: Bees have a so-called scent memory. This is the term used to describe their ability to pass on the floral scent of the pollen to other foraging bees through physical contact. This in turn enables them to find the right feeding place. The bee recognizes smells once they are familiar. She has a scent memory.


Durchsicht:  Die Waben des Bienenvolkes werden einzeln herausgezogen und beurteilt. Diese Methode ist bei allen Beuten mit Mobil Bau (Rähmchen) durchführbar!

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