Subject area R

Subject area R

Rähmchen: Die Waben sind in Rähmchen oder Rahmen untergebracht. Sie sind einzeln herausnehmbar. Als Leerrahmen oder Baurahmen werden sie in die Magazinbeute eingehängt und mit einer Mittelwand versehen. Die Rahmen erst ermöglichen das Schleudern des Honigs.


Rapshonig: gehört daher zu den Honigen, die in Deutschland neben Kleehonig am häufigsten produziert werden. Er ist mild und wegen seines leicht süßlichen Aromas besonders beliebt. Rapshonig ist cremig und hat eine helle, fast weiße Farbe. 


Smoke: the smoke reduces the bees' willingness to sting. The activity of the bees increases, they look for the honey-filled cells and fill their honey stomachs. All bees take part in this regardless of age. The drones flee the beehive and do not return. The bees perceive the smoke as a threat from fire and so in the event of a forest fire they only have to escape from the hive. The filled honey stomach corresponds to a rescue attempt. The beekeeper takes advantage of this behavior of the bees to enable a calmer and sting-free work on the colony. The bees are so distracted and busy that they can be touched with the bare hand without danger.


Smoke taste: A smoke taste in honey is a foreign taste. It is also known as a bad taste. He points out errors in the honey harvest. During the honey harvest, the beekeeper should neither use the beekeeping pipe nor the smoker. Otherwise the honey takes on the smoky taste and can no longer be used.


Reinigungsflug: Nach dem Winter unternehmen die Bienen einen Reinigungsflug. So nennt man ihren ersten Ausflug nach dem Winter, mit der die Winterruhe beendet wird. Die Biene reinigt sich dabei. Sie entleert auch ihren Darm.


Residual mite removal: The most important measure for the health of our bee colonies is residual mite removal in winter. The Varroa mite can only be combated effectively in phases without brood. We therefore wait until we are relatively certain that the colonies are brood-free. This is usually the case three weeks after a cold spell with night frosts: at the earliest at the beginning of November, at the latest by Christmas.


Territory behavior: Solitary bees show pronounced territorial behavior. In the case of the woolly bees, for example, the male bee even drives away other bees from the costume. Special thorns are used on the abdomen for defense.


Locust honey: The correct name for acacia honey from Germany is locust honey. This is because only the false acacia, the robinia, occurs here. Real acacia honey mostly comes from southern Europe or south-eastern Europe. It is very mild and rather runny.


Working without residues: honey must be free of residues. We have to differentiate between water-soluble and fat-soluble substances for substances that can contaminate honey as residues. They get into the honey in different ways and are stored differently. The water-soluble substances include pharmaceuticals, pesticides and vegetable poisons as well as heavy metals. These substances can be stored directly in the honey. When using drugs against the Varroa mite, the regulations and waiting times must be observed. The second, uncontrolled way is the entry from the outside by bringing in the costume. Honey, pollen and water can be contaminated with pesticides and other environmental toxins.

Fat-soluble substances can accumulate in fats and waxes. Fat-soluble substances include medicines, insecticides, plasticizers, dyes, and some environmental toxins. The main difference to the water-soluble substances is that there is gradual contamination. Small traces of the substances, introduced over months and years, grow into a serious burden. The place of enrichment is the beeswax within the wax cycle.


Proboscis: The proboscis of the three bees are very different. The queen's trunk is extremely short. She is fed her whole life and does not have to look for food herself. The drones can pick up nectar on their own. Your trunk is longer. But the workers have the longest trunk. Their proboscis is a multi-function tool that they use to ingest and release food, and to build and clean honeycombs.


Dysentery: intestinal disease of the bee, non-contagious diarrhea. Dysentery occurs when the excrement bladder is overfilled without a cleaning flight being possible. If the excrement mass exceeds 46% of its body mass, bees can no longer hold back the excrement. Disease picture: The diarrhea often occurs towards the end of the winter rest, but also in the cold summer months. Bee droppings on and in hives, on the honeycombs. Bees break away from the winter cluster and fly off prematurely. Nations are getting weaker and weaker. Trigger factors: Disturbance of hibernation, unsuitable winter forage, wrong location (too damp, too drafty installation). Frequent disturbances of the colonies, especially in spring. Preventive measures. Eliminate the causes of the disturbances, choose the right location for the installation of the bee colonies. No disturbance of the winter rest. Give proper winter food. (Honeys with a high melicitous content or feed with additives may be unsuitable) Hygiene: Melt down dirty honeycombs. Scrape off soiled hives, flame or disinfect with acetic acid (60%). Remove dead bees. Dissolve weak races.


Round maggot: In the first few days after hatching from the egg, the bee larva has the shape of a round maggot. It lies curved in the brood cell. Only on the sixth day does the larva stretch and become a stretched maggot.


Round dance: The bee triggers the alarm through the round dance. To do this, it moves alternately to the right and left in a circle. The round dance can also draw attention to a source of traditional costume. But then it takes place in their immediate vicinity, at a maximum of 150 meters.


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