Subject area H

Subject area H

Hook row: and hook fold connect the front wings of the bee with its rear wings. The front wing hooks into the rear wing, so to speak. In this way they form a large overall wing that optimizes the bee's flight characteristics.


Hemolymph: In contrast to humans, bees, like all other insects, have an open circuit and instead of blood, the bees have hemolymphs. Due to the open circulatory system, blood and lymph, i.e. tissue fluid, are not separated. They mix to form the hemolymph and transport degradation products and nutrients to the Malpighian vessels or to the organism.


Moulting: The bees' skin is, so to speak, the skeleton at the same time. It is on the outside and is therefore also known as the exoskeleton. Since the skin is firm and inflexible, it cannot grow with you. In the development of the bee, therefore, a molt takes place at every stage, which enables the transition to the next stage of development. The egg does not become a bee capable of flying until it has molted six times.


Adhesive fold: like the row of hooks, it is a special feature of the bee wings. The front wing and rear wing are thus virtually seamlessly connected and form a unit.


Hymenoptera: The bee is one of the Hymenoptera, the hymenoptera. They also include ants and wasps. The name comes from their delicate, transparent wings, which look like thin skin.


Heidehonig: Die Konsistenz von Honig unterscheidet sich sehr stark. Besonders zäh ist der Heidehonig. Er lässt sich nur schwer schleudern. Manchmal wird er daher auch als Wabenhonig oder als Presshonig angeboten. Der größte Anteil deutschen Heidehonigs stammt aus der Lüneburger Heide und anderen Heidelandschaften.


Heart tube: Bees have an open circulatory system. Your heart connects to the so-called heart tube, which pumps the hemolymph into the bee's head. There the vessels end openly in the tissue. Once the hemolypmphe has arrived there, it flows back into the heart in the same way via the heart tube.


Post-treatment hives: are hives that are opened from the rear. Access to the entire brood space is therefore from the rear of the beehive. The beekeeper has to bend down to do this. Working on back-treated hives is therefore considered to be more arduous than working on top-treated hives, which are processed from above.


Abdomen: or abdomen of the bee houses all major organs and glands. It is designed in such a way that maximum flexibility and mobility are achieved. When stinging, the bee can curve its abdomen in a flash. The contraction of the abdomen is also important for the function of the respiratory organs, the trachea. The abdomen functions as a kind of bellows.


Histamine: is a component of bee venom. This small molecule acts locally as a hormone. When it is released, it causes the blood vessels to widen. They become permeable to water. The result: the typical swelling of the skin after a bee sting.


HMF: A breakdown product that can often be detected in honey is hydroxymethylfurfural HMF. If the honey is stored for a long time, it is formed from sugar. High acidity and warm weather encourage the formation of HMF. Hydroxymethylfurfural is therefore also an indicator for an overlay or for a storage temperature that is too high. Quality honey only has a low level of HMF.


Hobbock: or honey bucket is an airtight bucket made of stainless steel. It is about 50 cm high, has a diameter of 30 cm and holds 50 kilograms of honey. At the bottom, at the zero point of the kettle, there is an outlet tap through which the honey can be removed.


Hobbyimker: beginnt seine Imkertätigkeit in der Regel mit zwei bis drei Bienenvölkern. Vier von fünf Imkern betreiben die Imkerei als Hobby, nur 20 Prozent sind Berufsimker. Sie haben eine dreijährige Ausbildung als Tier Wirt – Fachrichtung Bienenhaltung absolviert. Hobbyimker kann eigentlich jeder werden. Es ist nicht viel, was man zum Start benötigt. Dazu kann man sich ganz einfach ein Bienenvolk oder mehrere Bienenvölker kaufen.


Holzbienen: 3 Arten - Körperlänge 14 bis 18 mm, schwarzbehaart, hummelähnlich mit schwarzen Flügeln. Pollen wird im Kropf und an den Beinen transportiert. Es werden bevorzugt Schmetterlingsblütler und Lippenblütler besucht. Die Tiere beißen sich Niströhren in Holz.


Honey: The bees' food reserve is honey. It ensures that the bee colony has enough food even in winter. The bees make honey from nectar and honeydew. To do this, they add carbohydrates and other substances to the solution that draw the water out of the honey. Honey is a purely natural product. It consists only of three substances: the nectar of the plants, the animal honeydew and the substances added by the bees for processing.


Honigbereitung: Die Biene bereitet den Honig in drei Schritten zu. Zuerst versetzt sie Nektar und Honigtau mit ihrem Speichel. Die Enzyme darin spalten die Zucker auf. Zuletzt wird dem Honig das Wasser entzogen. Er wird dickflüssig und zäh. Der Prozess der Honigbereitung beginnt bereits in der Sammelphase. Schon während der Nektaraufnahme werden Enzyme zugesetzt. In der Honigblase, wo die Vorräte während des Transportes zum Stock lagern, wird die Lösung außerdem weiterverarbeitet.


Honey bees: Apis mellifera, the honey bee is the typical type of bee in Europe. In fact, there are several thousand different species among bees. The honey bee, in turn, can be divided into different races, for example Apis mellifera mellifera (the dark bee), Apis mellifera ligustica (the Italian bee), Apis mellifera caucasica (the Caucasian bee) and Apis mellifera carnica (the Carinthian bee).


Honey bladder: The foraging bees collect honeydew and nectar. These are already processed in the honey bladder on the flight back to the beehive. The ripening process begins here. When they arrive at the apiary, the forager bees then give the contents of the honey bladder to the worker bees in the hive. A small part of it is also used for their own nutrition. The constant exchange of food in the honey bladder among the bees ensures that all bees in the hive have about the same amount of food at their disposal.


Honey harvest: The goal of every beekeeper is the honey harvest. To do this, he takes the honey from the honeycomb at the end of each costume and replaces it with a sugar solution. This happens about three to four times a year. Then the honey is centrifuged, then sieved and stirred and finally bottled. An economic people produce around 20 kg of honey a year. If you migrate to particularly high-yielding costume with your colonies, the annual yield can be significantly higher.

Zum Schleudern des Honigs müssen ein geeigneter Raum und entsprechende Geräte zur Verfügung stehen. Auch bei einer Hobby-Imkerei steht das Einhalten der Vorschriften zur Lebensmittelsicherheit und Hygiene im Vordergrund. Wir arbeiten mit einem Lebensmittel und wir garantieren unseren Kunden, dass wir es naturbelassen in den Verkauf bringen.

The art of the beekeeper is to remove all naturally occurring impurities from the honey without affecting the valuable ingredients. Wax particles, wings and other chitin parts are removed by sieving and clarifying.

The result of a controlled crystallization is the creamy blossom honey, which is highly valued by many customers. Correctly bottled and labeled, the honey goes on sale. With planned warehousing, we can supply our customers with quality honey all year round.


Honey room: Bees always carry long-term honey supplies away from the entrance hole. The honey chamber of a magazine hive consists of a frame that is placed on top of the brood chamber. If a strong people wears a rich mass costume, it can make sense to put on another frame to expand the honey space. In order to guarantee ongoing honeycomb renewal, only middle walls or empty honeycombs and empty frames for natural construction are hung in a honeycomb. Former brood combs are taboo in the honey room. The honey room therefore only contains honeycombs.


Honey extractors: There are mechanical and electrically powered honey extractors. The former are operated by hand with a crank. The honeycomb basket and kettle of a honey extractor are always made of pure stainless steel. Here the honeycombs are hung and flung after they have been discovered. During this process, the honey is thrown out of the honeycomb and collects in the kettle. Modern extractors automatically rotate the honeycomb so that the honey can flow out on both sides. After centrifuging, the honey is freed from larger particles. To do this, it is sifted through a fine sieve.


Types of honey: There are almost as many types of honey as there are flowering plants. But not all honey can be sold as a single-variety honey. This term is only reserved for those honeys that come from predominantly one source. This is prescribed by the honey ordinance. So the beekeeper has to watch carefully which forage his bees visit. He must also specifically determine the point in time at which the honey is taken so that no mixing takes place. Types of honey are, for example, acacia honey, blossom honey, heather and chestnut honey, lime blossom honey, rapeseed honey, fir and forest honey or wild blossom honey.


Honeydew: is a waste product. Aphids, scale insects and cicadas secrete it. For other insects, however, it is important food, such as ants and bees. The honeydew is very rich in sugar. It contains different monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and the triple sugars melezitose, erlose and fructomaltose. You alone are responsible for half of the sugar content in honeydew.


Honeydew honey: The layperson is often confused by the fact that some honeys are firm and tough, while others are clear and runny. One reason for this is their different sugar content. If this is particularly high, the honey crystallizes out. However, this process depends on the temperature. Like forest honey, honeydew honey contains a particularly high amount of fructose. It is therefore almost always clear and fluid. Honeydew honey consists mainly of the sugary excretions from sucking insects. It is darker in color and has a strong aroma.


Honey Ordinance: dates back to 2004. It regulates the quality requirements for honey. Among other things, it states that neither substances may be added to nor withdrawn from honey. Only the removal of pollen is allowed. In that case, however, the honey must be labeled as "filtered honey".


Honeycomb: When removing the honeycomb, the beekeeper must ensure that there are no brood on them. Otherwise the honey would be contaminated. The modern magazine combs facilitate the separation of brood combs and honeycombs. They are separated by a barrier. The honey is only in the upper frame. The meshes of the barrier are set very tightly. The queen cannot go through. Therefore there is no brood on the honeycomb. The beekeeper should not use a pipe while removing the honeycomb - the smoke would otherwise change the taste of the honey.


Hornet (Vespa crabro): Size: approx. 18-25 mm, queens up to 35 mm - Occurrence: The hornet lives in Central Europe and is significantly larger than a wasp. The abdomen is yellow and black, but the fore-abdomen is black with red-brownish areas. The head shield is yellow on the front, but above the black eyes and on the sides of the head the hornet also has a red-brownish tinge. Reproduction: In spring, the hornet queen starts building her nest in a sheltered place. In the first comb she lays eggs from which the larvae develop. These are fed until they pupate and the first workers of the new hornet state develop. The state can contain 400-700 animals. Damage: anxiety. The hornet can sting, but is only able to defend itself when defending its nest. The hornet sting can cause an allergic reaction, but it is no more dangerous than a bee or wasp.


Bumblebee (Bombus): Size: approx. 8 - 21 mm, queens depending on the species 15 - 23 mm Occurrence: Bumblebees belong to the family of real bees, they form states and are among the most important pollinator insects. They fly to up to 1,000 flowers a day for up to 18 hours. The rounded body is usually yellow-black striped and noticeably furry. There are 36 species of bumblebee in Germany. Bumblebees make a deep hum when they fly around slowly. Reproduction: In spring, the queen goes looking for a place to build a nest (cave in the ground, old mouse nest, hollow tree trunk, etc.). First the queen builds a nest ball, then she collects nectar, which she keeps in a small storage barrel in the nest. Later the bumblebee queen lays eggs, which she wraps in wax to sit on and breed. The first workers hatch after ten days. Depending on the species, 50–600 animals live in a bumblebee colony. Damage: The females have a defensive sting, but they rarely sting and only become aggressive when they are defending their nest. Stings can be painful, but there is a risk of an allergic reaction in those with allergies


Hyaluronidase: is a component of bee venom. It is an allergenic enzyme, which means that it can trigger a hypersensitivity reaction. In addition, hyaluronidase also reduces the cement substance of the connective tissue. Similar to a digestive process, the enzyme dissolves the connective tissue.


Hydroxymethylfurfural: or called HMF, is a sugar breakdown product. It is only found in small amounts in honey. However, if the honey has been stored incorrectly or for too long and exposed to high temperatures, the proportion of hydroxymethylfurfural increases. Only a maximum proportion of 15 mg HMF in one kilogram of honey is permitted.


Hymenoptere: Der wissenschaftliche Begriff für Hautflügler ist Hymenoptere. Die Bienen zählen wie die Hummeln zu den Hymenopteren, zu den Insekten mit transparenten Flügelpaaren.


Hypopharynxdrüse: Die Arbeiterinnen verfügen über spezielle Futtersaftdrüsen, die Hypopharynx-drüsen. Besonders stark ausgebildet sind sie bei den jungen Arbeitsbienen. Die Drüsen sind im Kopf der Biene angesiedelt. Sie bilden ein nahrhaftes Sekret, das direkt in den Mund der Biene fließt. Dieses Sekret aus Eiweißen, Fetten, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen wird dann an die Königin und an die Brut verfüttert. Die Zusammensetzung unterscheidet sich dabei je nach Entwicklungsstadium der Larve. Für die Königin wird eine ganz besondere Mischung produziert, die über Hormone gesteuert wird. 

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