Subject area O

Subject area O



Oberbehandlungsbeute: Alle Beuten, die von oben geöffnet werden können, heißen auch Oberbehandlungsbeute. Die bekannteste unter ihnen ist die Magazinbeute. Sie ist modular aufgebaut und daher besonders flexibel einsetzbar. Oberbehandlungsbeuten werden aus Holz, aber auch aus Kunststoff hergestellt.


Upper beam: design of the upper beam


Ocellen: The point eyes, those tiny little eyes on the bee's forehead, are called Ocellen. They are simply built sense organs that can perceive light particularly well. The point eye, the ocelle, consists of only one single lens with extremely high light intensity. In this way, the bee can find its way back to the beehive even in the dark.


Oligosaccharide: Kurze Zuckermolekülketten, die aus drei bis zehn verschiedenen Monosacchariden bestehen, werden auch Oligosaccharide genannte. Die langkettigen Glukosemoleküle hingegen zählen zu den Polysacchariden. Bei ihnen sind mehr als zehn Monosaccharide über Glykogene miteinander verbunden. Neben Glukose enthalten die Saccharide aber auch Fruktose oder Mannose.


Orange blossom honey: Orange blossom honey is one of the most popular imported honeys. It is a very mild honey with a delicate orange aroma and scent. Depending on the age and sugar content, the orange blossom honey has a liquid or slightly creamy consistency. A large part of the orange blossom honey we sell comes from Spain, another part from Italy.


Orientation flight: The young bees that leave the hive for the first time fly out on orientation flights. For orientation, the bee mainly uses fragrances and messenger substances, pheromones. Young drones are also setting out on orientation flights. They go to the drone collection points that the queen bees visit. So that the bees that have flown out can easily find their way back to the hive, the bees in the hive in front of the entrance hole perform a sterling dance, which is supposed to spread their scent. In addition, the bee impresses the environment from the hive.


Oxalic acid: just like formic acid, it is an organic acid that occurs naturally in honey. Ideally, + 1 ° C to + 5 ° C. ideal for treatment in November. Warm up the 3.5% solution beforehand in a hot water bath and carefully and evenly trickle into the honeycomb alleys. 50ml = 8 combs, 40ml = 6-7 combs and 30ml for a weak colony with only 4-5 combs.

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