Subject area S

Subject area S

Acidity: The acidity of a honey provides information about its quality. Honey is naturally low in acid. It just contains some organic acid. The honey ordinance stipulates that honey may contain a maximum of 50 milliequivalents of acidity per kilogram of honey. To determine the acidity, one measures the pH of the honey. For all honeys it is below the value 7. The lower the value, the higher the acidity. Blossom honeys have a pH of 3.2 to 4.5, while honeydew honeys have a pH of 4 to 5.4. So they contain a little less acid. The beekeeper can determine the acidity himself with a special pH meter or it can be done in the laboratory.


Former bees: The forager bees among the workers are responsible for the food. They collect pollen, nectar and honeydew and also provide the bee colony with water. The forager bees are already experienced bees. Only in the second half of life does the worker in the hive become a forager.


Sand bee: or earth bee is one of the solitary bees. Andrenidae approx. 100 species 4 - 20 mm body length, body flattened, collecting brush on the hind legs. Visit various flowering plants and dig nests in sandy or loamy soil.


Summer treatment: A treatment after the end of the honey season creates the conditions for the formation of healthy winter bees.


Woodpecker protection: By placing nets over the beehives, woodpeckers can be prevented from chopping holes in search of food.


Scissor bee: The scissor bee is a particularly small type of bee. It is only a few millimeters in size. The scissor bee is therefore not much larger than the honeybee's trunk is long. But this also gives it an advantage: it can visit small flowers that are too narrow for larger bees. So it moves in a niche. The scissor bee visits bluebells and buttercups in particular. So she only collects on a few flowers.


Centrifugal honey: In Germany, centrifugal honeys are mainly produced. To do this, the beekeeper removes the wax lids from the honeycombs, places them in a centrifuge and hurls the honey out first on one side and then on the other. Then he sifts the honey and stirs it carefully so that the crystals are evenly distributed.


Waggle dance: The bees dance language is extremely complex. In addition to the round dance and the trembling dance, the bee uses the waggle dance. With him she informs the other bees about a new costume. In the dance it not only communicates the exact location and distance, but also provides information about the quantity and quality of the feeding place found. To do this, the bee moves in the form of semicircles. In the connection between the semicircles, she moves her abdomen from right to left, she wags.


Black addiction: here several symptoms are summarized, which are similar in appearance. The infested bees are hairless, so they look smaller and are black and shiny. Infested bees have spread, trembling wings are often unable to fly. Weakened bees are affected by

den gesunden aus dem Stock gedrängt. Höhepunk des Befalls meist von Ende Mai bis Anfang Juli. Auslösefaktoren: Räuberei, Inzucht, Stoffwechselstörungen (Pollenmangel), starke Waldtracht, Bakterienbefall, Befall von Viren oder Pilzen.Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung: Heilmittel gibt es nicht. Ursachenbekämpfung: Räuberei unterbinden, Völker aus der Waldtracht nehmen. Geringe Abhilfe durch Fütterung mit dünner Zückerlösung oder Blütenhonig. Hygiene: Tote Bienen vernichten (Befall von Pilzen oder Viren kann ansteckend sein).


Swarming: If the old queen notices that the new queen bee is about to hatch, she and part of the colony form a new swarm and swarm out. For orientation, the swarm first gathers near the old beehive. Trace bees, the scouts among the bees, are sent out to look for new accommodation. The swarm then flies there and loses all contact with its old beehive. Swarming serves to divide the bee colony and thus its reproduction.


Swarm treatment: The swarm of bees represents the natural renewal of the colony. With good care, it can become the basis for a healthy new colony. The first weeks are of decisive importance for the colony; it only builds if a continuous flow of feed (forage) is assured. Rain and cold prevent it from flying out, so feed one to two liters per week with sugar water 1: 1


Swarming time: The division of the bee colonies usually happens in summer, i.e. at the time when the bee colony is at its largest. Most of the time the bees swarm from May to June, sometimes into July. It is rare for the bees to swarm more than once a year.

Swarm box: A swarm box should have the following properties: Volume: at least 30 liters, not too flat - good ventilation - if possible, ventilation grids on two opposite sides - bee-tight closable - solid lid (the bees hang on the lid) - large opening to get in - and pouring out the bees. Old curtains, fly screens or other close-meshed materials are suitable as material for the ventilation grille.


Segeberger booty: the original is made of styrofoam. The hive is equipped with frames in German normal size (DNM or DN). The Classic version has a flat bottom, an ALU ventilation grille, three full frames for 11 frames each, and six plastic frame rails. The lid is smooth or available with a lining hole. The empty weight is approx. 9 kg and has a height of 90 cm, with the raised floor a height of 97 cm.


Seidenbienen: 9 Arten - 8 – 16 mm, Sammelbürste an den Beinen. Sie besuchen Blüten von Weiden, Efeu, Natternkopf, Rainfarn, Schafgarbe, Feld-Thymian, Besenheide und anderen. Seidenbienen graben 6 – 10 cm tiefe Höhlen in Sandboden oder in Steilwänden und Lehmwänden. Die Brutzellen werden mit transparentem, seidenartigem, wasserdichtem Sekret ausgekleidet.


Secretions: The honey bee has more than a dozen glands that give off secretions. There are glands that secrete their secretion inside the body, the endocrine glands and those that deliver their secretion to the outside. These are the exocrine glands. A distinction is made between salivary glands in bees, fodder glands, mandibular glands, wax glands, scent glands and poison glands.


Senses: The honey bee has five senses. It tastes, smells, sees, feels and feels vibrations. She has no real hearing. This means that she only has a very limited hearing ability. Their eyesight is also limited. Although she clearly perceives movement and light, her spatial vision is very limited. She only sees details up close. However, honey bees are very sensitive when it comes to smells and smells. It has a very good odor memory. The bees' tactile organs are their feelers. A particularly large number of nerve cells are located here.


Smoker: (the) smoker is a small device that produces smoke. (Smoke blower) In contrast to the dathe pipe, the smoke is not distributed with the beekeeper's breath, but is blown into the room via a bellows. The smoker has long since replaced the traditional beekeeping pipe.


Solitary bees: Solitary bees are bees that do not live as a colony, but rather alone. These include the leaf cutter bees, the mason bees and sand bees, the wasp bees and the woolly bees.


Summer bee: Summer bees live much shorter than winter bees. While the summer bees live an average of two months, the winter bees reach an age of seven to eight months.


Sommerhonig: Honig, der in den Sommermonaten geerntet wurde, wird oft als Sommerhonig bezeichnet. Sommerhonig ist daher überwiegend Blütenhonig von Wald- und Wiesenpflanzen, die im Juni oder Juli blühen. Er ist meist mild und hat ein zartes Aroma. Ist der Sommer besonders heiß, wird mehr Honigtauhonig produziert. Er ist im Geschmack kräftiger und auch von einer dunkleren Farbe.


Varietal honey: The term varietal honey is precisely defined. According to the Honey Ordinance, all honeys that come completely or predominantly from one source can be designated as single-variety honeys. Based on the pollen, the color, the consistency of the honey, its sugar content and the smell, the expert can prove whether it is actually a single-variety honey. The types of honey include acacia and heather honey, chestnut honey, clover, linden and rapeseed honey, fir honey and forest honey.


Sortentypisch: Im Geschmack muss der Sortenhonig sortentypisch sein, das heißt er darf weder Fremdgerüche noch einen Fremdgeschmack aufweisen. Rauch- oder Gärgeschmack gelten als Fehl-geschmack, ebenso unerwünscht ist ein untypischer Säuregehalt.


Sozialer Futteraustausch: Die Trophallaxis, der soziale Futteraustausch unter den Honigbienen, hat mehrere Funktionen. Zum einen stellt er sicher, dass allen Bienen im Stock die gleiche Menge an Futter-vorrat zur Verfügung steht. Zugleich dient der soziale Futteraustausch der Kommunikation untereinander. Durch die Weitergabe des Futters erfährt die Biene Details zu den Besonderheiten der Tracht, ihrem Zuckergehalt, ihrem Geruch. Außerdem werden bei der Trophallaxis Pheromone ausgetauscht, die die Zugehörigkeit zum Volk signalisieren und für Harmonie und Einheit sorgen.


Salivary gland: The bee has two salivary glands, the head salivary gland and the breast salivary gland. The secretion of the head salivary gland is oily, that of the breast salivary gland is rather watery. The salivary glands are responsible for preparing solid food so that it can be processed by the bee. To do this, enzymes, i.e. digestive juices, are added. They break down the food components and make them available to the body. The saliva is also used to moisten honey and honeydew to loosen or cleanse it.


Spiral horn bees: 2 species - 8 - 11 mm long, body black, conspicuously ribbed abdomen, in females the antennae are thickened at the end of the males and bent triangular. Pollen is transported all over the abdomen.


Spurbiene: Der Wegweiser unter den Flugbienen ist die Spurbiene. Sie ist mit der Aufgabe befasst, neue Trachten ausfindig zu machen oder für den Schwarm eine neue Behausung zu finden. Als Spur-bienen arbeiten nur ältere, erfahrene Bienen. Sind die Spurbienen fündig geworden, kehren sie zurück und führen einen Tanz auf. Haben mehrere Spurbienen unterschiedliche Futterstellen gefunden, so entscheidet die Intensität des Tanzes darüber, welche davon ausgewählt wird. Die Spurbiene ist der Scout unter den Bienen. 


Stachel: Der Giftstachel der Biene gilt nur zu ihrer eigenen Verteidigung. Da der Giftstachel eine Weiterentwicklung des Eiablagestachels ist, verfügen nur weibliche Bienen über ihn. Drohnen haben keinen Stachel. Die Bienen verwenden den Stachel, um ihre Beute zu lähmen. Nur so können sie sie transportier-en oder verspeisen. Da die Bienen aber fast ausschließlich Vegetarierinnen sind, kommt der Stachel nur dann zum Einsatz, wenn sie sich verteidigen müssen.


Stand: For processing, the beehive is tilted over the front side, in order to be able to remove the base, the stand ensures an upright position.


Stone brood: Aspergillus flavus (watering can mold, mold) Infection of the bee (round maggot or adult bee) with spores in the feed. The spores germinate in the bees' intestines and permeate and destroy the organs. On the outside of the bee, the fungus forms stem-shaped spore carriers on which spores are formed and pinched off. The spores (conidiospores) are resistant and infectious, they rarely also form a fruiting body with ascospores, but the described spore formation is much more common. Dead mummies (maggots / prepupae) sit firmly in the capped cells, the fungus grows through z. T. the honeycombs. The fungus also affects adult bees. The bees find it difficult to remove the bee larvae, gnaw some of the surrounding cell walls and coat the mummy with cement. The color of the mummies / bees is white / gray to light green / brownish. Size of the spores 6/1000 mm


Sternite: The belly plate or chest area of the bee is also known as sternite.


Stercel's gland: or Nassanoff's gland (see also “Nassanoff's gland”) releases the pheromones that help the workers to orientate themselves in the hive. After orientation flights or when looking for a new dwelling, the bees do a worthless dance. To do this, they lift their abdomen and wag their wings to distribute the scent from the sterile gland. It is recognized as a recognition and is also used to mark new costumes or to mark the dwelling.


Sting: In some people, a bee sting causes swelling or even shock reactions. The reason for this is an allergy to bee venom. As a rule, however, the bee sting is painful but not dangerous. The amount of poison is far too small to harm a person.


Sift (the) bee egg; is laid by the queen (Weisel) or, in exceptional cases, by a worker (Afterweisel); A (round) maggot hatches out of it, which pupates after several days of feeding and turns into a bee in the capped cell


Stigmen: Die Atemöffnungen der Tracheen sind die so genannten Stigmen. Von hier aus wird die Luft in Luftsäcke weitergeleitet. Von dort wird sie dann über feinste Luftröhrchen, den Tracheolen, ins Körper-innere geführt. Auf diese Weise wird die Biene mit Sauerstoff versorgt. Über die Stigmen gelangt auch überflüssiges Kohlendioxid wieder nach außen.


Stockbiene: Als Stockbienen werden alle Bienen bezeichnet, die ihre Arbeit im Bienenstock verrichten. Dazu zählen die Wächterinnen, die Baubienen, die Ammenbienen und die Putzbienen ebenso wie die Honigmacherinnen. Die Honigmacherinnen übernehmen von den Sammlerinnen den Ertrag an Pollen, Nektar und Honigtau und verarbeiten ihn weiter.


Stockkarte: Zur Kontrolle des Bienenvolkes ist eine Stockkarte hilfreich. Als solche bezeichnet man jegliche Aufzeichnungen des Imkers über den Zustand des Bienenvolkes, seine Veränderungen, Krankheiten und Besonderheiten. In der Regel führt der Imker für jedes Bienenvolk eine eigene Stockkarte.


Chisel: (the) flat chisel for separating the frames and honeycombs; important beekeeping tool. It can be used to loosen stuck or jammed frames. It is not uncommon for the bees to anchor the frames so firmly with their putty that the beekeeper cannot remove them without tools.


Maggot: In the first few days, the larva swims curved in its brood cell. As it grows, it stretches more and more. Worker bees usually reach the maggot stage on the sixth day.


Strickleiternervensystem: Das Nervensystem der Biene ist wie eine Strickleiter aufgebaut. Die Nerven laufen in Paaren an der Bauchseite entlang. Kleine Nervenknoten sind der Ausgangspunkt für die Weiter-leitung über Nervenstränge in den Körper. Sie sind so regelmäßig angeordnet, dass man auch von einem Strickleiternervensystem spricht.


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