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Have you heard or read about the bee deaths?


In the past few decades, numerous animal species have become extinct without the majority of people even knowing of their existence.

The current death of bees - around a quarter of all bee colonies are now as if swallowed by the earth - alarms both laypeople and experts.

One of the most important natural wonders of our earth is in great danger: the honey bee.


The most industrious of all animals, which reliably flies from flower to flower, is slowly disappearing. It is a dying that is being watched with concern around the world.

Between pesticides, antibiotics, monocultures and transport from plantation to plantation, the queens and their workers seem to be losing their strength.


In Europe 40% percent of the bee colonies have already disappeared. In China it is only 10 percent. Nevertheless, the Chinese apparently take this threat to humans and nature more seriously than the Europeans. Do we have to take over the dusting with tweezers, as is customary in China, so that we can even get any fruit?


Because many plants die out without pollination and the food supply is threatened.


If bee deaths do not end soon, it could have serious consequences for global food supplies.


Bees not only produce honey, they also pollinate more than 90 types of vegetables and fruits. Apples, nuts, avocados, soybeans, asparagus, broccoli, celery, pumpkins and cucumbers should be rare without bees. Sweet things such as citrus fruits, peaches, kiwis, cherries, blueberries and strawberries and various types of melon are also dependent on the fertilization of the flying workers.


A people as if extinct, adults not to be seen, only food supplies, a few children and a few cleaning and care workers are still there. And the queen. You will not survive alone. They cannot speak either. So I'll never know where the rest of the population has gone. In any case, there are no bodies to be found.


Something like this is what it looks like in a beehive that has fallen victim to a particularly puzzling form of bee death. Whole peoples are disappearing. The bees fly away and do not return. In 1990 there were 1.1 million honey bee colonies in Germany. In just 25 years they have shrunk to only around 700,000 peoples. Of the around 560 wild bee species in Germany, more than half are already severely threatened.


The consequences and dimensions of bee mortality are underestimated. Something is happening to bees around the world that we hardly understand. "The reasons for the death of insects are indeed diverse, but the overall picture is dramatic If the earth is not cultivated sustainably, the bees' situation will continue to deteriorate.


Many species of bees lose some of their basic food sources. Each species needs a whole range of different plants to supply its larvae. But because up to 20,000 species of flowering plants will disappear in the coming decades, problems arise. For example, the immune system of the offspring can be weakened and thus more easily targeted by pests. Monocultures and the associated malnutrition, environmental pollution, climate change, viruses, various pests such as the varroa mite - and pesticides. And that brings us to the topic of nutrition, a substance called fipronil.


begins to freeze begins with costume flies most diligently stops working

at less than 9 ° C at over 13 - 14 ° C at 22 - 25 ° C at more than 37 ° C

Fipronil is one of the countless substances that kill pests. But it was also found in chicken eggs, which is probably due to the fact that a trader illegally mixed the stuff with an agent to combat poultry parasites. The agent kills fleas and ticks, and until recently it was also used as an insecticide in agriculture in this country. Until you realized that it apparently also harms bees. Fipronil poses a high acute risk for honey bees. According to Efsa, bees are acutely endangered when the agent is used in maize cultivation, especially through dust drift.


The EU wants to allow glyphosate for another 5 years. The following post, which makes me angry, shows how often the product is used in conventional fruit growing. Oh, and the children are allowed to eat conventional apples, the EU has no concerns about that?


An orcharder speaks plain language

I am a trained gardener and finished my training as 3rd best in the state of Brandenburg. I worked as an orcharder for 5 years.

I think the following post fits in here to open your eyes a bit to see which poisons you take in every day and pass them on to your children. As you know, the drug glyphosate is in the public eye.


Glyphosate is just a snowflake on an iceberg.

Those who at least know how often, for example, a conventional apple is sprayed, I list them by months:

January: the spraying is relatively quiet because the trees are being cut.

February: 2x copper sprayings (funguran), first preventive weed spraying (curb stomp and fusilade)

March: 2x copper injections

April: 1x weed (stomp glyphosate), 1-2 sprayings with cold sulfur, 2-3 sprayings against the apple stick (calypso), 1 thinning spray (high nitrogen concentrations are sprayed directly into the flower)

May: (depending on the weather) 2x spray with delan, 2x spray with score against apple scab.

June: 1x weed (glyphosate), 3-4 sprayings with delan, 3x sprayings with malvin, 1-2 fuel. against lice and mites (pirimor)

Juli: 4x delan, 2x malvin, 1x score, 1x scala, 1x pirimor

August: 5-6 delan, 1x malvin, 1x scala, 1x glyphosat gegen Unkraut.

September: 4x delan, 1x vision (against storage rot), harvest.

October: 1x vison, 1x glyphosate, 1x copper

November: 1x copper

December: 2x copper, 1x glyphosate or notch, with stomp against weeds.


That's 46 sprayings a year if the weather cooperates. With more precipitation, the number of sprayings almost doubles. There is a so-called waiting period for the funds, ie the time in which the funds should have been reduced. The farmers keep this time, this is also monitored by the consumer office. The real problem is that it is not the consumer office that sets the time, but the manufacturer.

Everyone depends on bees for their nourishment. They pollinate up to 80 percent of the crops. These species are responsible for around 90 percent of the world's total food production. Mankind spread the illusion that technical progress made it independent of nature in the 21st century. However, the bees showed how we are "more, not less" dependent on the services of nature: no crunchy apples, tasty tomatoes or berries rich in vitamins.


Es ist die traurige Wahrheit: Obwohl die intensive Landwirtschaft selbst auf die Bestäuber Leistung von Honigbienen und ihren wilden Verwandten angewiesen ist, zerstört sie nach und nach deren Lebens- und Nahrungsgrundlagen. Wenn die Bienen verhungern, hat das für die Menschen große Konsequenzen. 


WE destroy habitats such as species-rich rainforests and coral reefs.

WE operate ruthless agriculture, forestry and fishing and

WE poison and pollute the environment (pesticides, plastic in the sea, etc.).

In addition, there is climate change, ocean acidification and many other rapidly increasing global threats. Species decline is the worst crossed and unfortunately also the only irreversible "planetary limit".


In the case of extinction, the following applies:

"Wrong is gone", with unforeseeable consequences for all of us. Help us to stop the extinction of species! Protective measures for animals, habitats, the environment and climate must finally be given the necessary priority! How many and which species are there on earth? We don't even have a clue: is there a total of 3, 10 or 100 million animal species? And how many of them are dying out right now? It is estimated that 20,000 to 50,000 species disappear each year. One every few minutes, and counting!


How many and which species will be left by 2050, and how many by 2100? Will our biologically impoverished soils, forests and seas still function? Provide us with enough food, medicines, recreation, clean water, and oxygen? And what exactly are we still losing with the dwindling genetic and ecological-functional diversity?

NOBODY even remotely knows! So get it while it still exists!


You only protect what you value and you only value what you know. So species need an identity! We humans have to become aware of the abundance of species, of life and of services in nature we are responsible for.


For example, premiums could be paid to farmers who create bee-friendly crops. This means, for example, that flowering plants are specifically positioned at the edge of crop fields. In addition, insecticides and other agrochemicals should be used more carefully.

We owe every third bite we eat to the proverbial industry of the bees. Regardless of whether it is rapeseed, soybeans, carrots, apples, coffee or tea: bees are extremely adaptable and pollinate a huge number of different flowers, around 80 percent of all crops.

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