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Not like that!

One of the most important natural wonders of our earth is in great danger: the honey bee. The most industrious of all animals, which reliably flies from flower to flower, is slowly disappearing. It is a dying that is being watched with concern around the world. It is not only the bee-damaging varoa mite that causes bee deaths. They lose their strength between pesticides, antibiotics and monocultures. Injection cocktails weaken the bees' immune system. That is one of the reasons that they can no longer fight off the mite. The bee's disorientation is devastating; because the honey bees can no longer find their way back into their hives.


Zu den ach sooo "gesunden" Umwelt-Vernichtungsmitteln zählen: Spritzmittel wie z.B. Fipronil, u. a. Fungizide zur Saatbehandlung, Thiacloprid, Glyphosat, Clothianidin ist ein relativ neues Insektizid aus der Gruppe der Neonikotinoide


Threatened helpers

One makes the great honey, the other spoils the joy of apple pie.

One is busy pollinating flowers, and the other ... - yes, what does she actually work all day?

One is loved, the other hunted with a rolled up newspaper.

The death of the bee is mourned, the death of a wasp is cheered.


Bienen, Wespen und andere Insekten sind unverzichtbar, um den Hunger der wachsenden Weltbevölkerung zu stillen, denn trotz des technischen Fortschritts hängt die Landwirtschaft von den Bestäubern ab. Doch Monokulturen, Pflanzenschutzmittel und Parasiten, wie die aus Südostasien eingeschleppte Varroamilben, killen massenweise unsere Bienen.


Auch andere Tiere, wie Fliegen, Schmetterlinge, Käfer, sogar einige Vogelarten und Fledermäuse, die ihren Beitrag zur Bestäubung leisten, sind massiv bedroht und auf der Roten Liste wieder zu finden.


Figures from Hamburg and Bremen show that city bees are more robust than many land bees: city bees fly happily from one plant species to the next.


Auf dem Land hingegen: immer nur Mais und Raps!


It looks as if monoculture agriculture, with all its poisonous helpers, plays a central role in the death of bees. The monotony weakens the happiest bee, even the good sympathy values don't help.



The bees are similar to climate change - the whole thing goes so slowly that it is difficult for us to concentrate on it.

“When the bees disappear, humans have only four years to live; no more bees, no more plants, no more animals, no more people. ”After this knowledge at the latest, everyone should think about what they can do to protect bees themselves.


The loss of biodiversity in many gardens and the monocultures in agriculture are reducing the availability of food for honeybees, additional poisonous pesticides and the introduced parasite varroa mite cause immediate problems.

On the other hand, bees are weakened by massive beekeeping pressure, both in their hobby and in commercial beekeeping. Society is facing a great challenge to do something for the bee as one of our most important natural and cultural animals.

And with the splashes ...

Did they actually understand that it is not just conventional agriculture that threatens our biodiversity?

Most of the splashes don't seem to care whether glyphosate or any other death cocktail comes onto their field? The main thing is a rich harvest with the product, which is only sprayed, over-fertilized and is only part of the problem.


It is not only the risk of cancer, but also the accelerated ecological destruction of our natural foundations of life that we all cause. 800,000 tons of glyphosate are applied annually. In total, our earth swallows 2,500,000 tons of poison every year, with which we bring our world into a state in which it has to be taken over by our children.


At what price? What comes after the insect dieback?


Scientists confirm dramatic insect deaths

- Protected areas have been examined for 27 years - the results are frightening: More than 75 percent less biomass in flying insects. The question is no longer whether the insect world is in trouble, but how the insect death can be stopped.

Singing birds - chirping crickets - colorful butterflies? That was once. It takes nature 30,000 years to create a new species, but we are exterminating 150 species of animals and plants around the world every day.


Of course we know: With the dramatic extinction of species, we are the first generation to mess with the creator.


Laut einer aktuellen Studie verschwinden jedes Jahr zwei Prozent der Insekten weltweit. In 100 Jahren könnten sie gänzlich ausgestorben sein. An Land sind am stärksten Schmetterlinge, Käfer und Hautflügler wie Wildbienen betroffen.

Das dramatische Insektensterben hat viele Ursachen, aber keine hat so großen Einfluss auf den Bestand der Insekten wie Landwirtschaft und Klimawandel. Insekten sind systemrelevant. Das Insektensterben ist nicht nur besorgniserregend für die Pflanzen- und Tierwelt, sondern gefährdet auch die Landwirtschaft und damit unsere Lebensmittelerzeugung.


Zum Erhalt der Insektenvielfalt wünschen wir uns, …

- ... to create habitats for insects on ten percent of the agricultural land, for example hedges, flower strips, species-rich meadows or set-aside.


- ... the ban on pesticides is anchored in protected areas, i.e. a ban on pesticides in nature conservation areas, in FFH areas, in specially protected parts of the landscape and in legally protected biotopes.


-   …dass Umweltauswirkungen und insbesondere die Auswirkungen auf Insekten im Pestizid-Zulassungsverfahren künftig besser und verpflichtend berücksichtigt werden.


-   …das auch die Genehmigung der 18 im Foulspiel zugelassenen Pestizide zurückgenommen werden.


- ... that the use of glyphosate in allotments and house gardens as well as on publicly used areas is prohibited immediately and agricultural use is gradually restricted.


Species extinction is a fact. There is less and less humming and humming in our landscape. Time to make a decision now. It's in your hand too!


Once upon a time ... the beeIn a great kingdom on earth a great leader once wanted to feed his great people. He therefore had all sparrows killed who also wanted to make use of the wealth of grain.

A great plague of insects then spread over the country. In order to put an end to the insects, the great guide ordered large quantities of poison and had it sprayed over the wide fields. He had great success: the insects died.

But since the bees were also among the dead, there was no longer a big buzz in spring and there was no one left to pollinate the many apple blossoms.

So from then on the people of this great country had to climb the trees themselves and, with their own hands and ... flower by flower, replace the great help of the busy bees. And if they have not died, then the people in this still balance today great land in the tops of the trees.


And the product of honey with a bitter aftertaste!


In Germany, the consumption per person is around one kilogram of honey per year. But most of it, around 80%, is bought by the trade abroad, to the chagrin of local beekeepers.


Every year Germany imports around 85,000 to 100,000 tons of honey from all over the world such as Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Romania and recently even India.



And more than every second honey from German supermarkets was contaminated with pesticides. Where else does the low price come from ?!


Test result: In 10 of 36 samples of imported honey, traces of the forbidden streptomycin or the carcinogenic chloramphenicol were contaminated. "At present, the antibiotic load in honey is the biggest problem for the world honey trade.


As a result, all too often, honey is no longer a purely natural product, even if it is on the packaging. In order for something to change in the treatment of the bee colonies and the production of honey, consumers are also in demand. Regionally produced honey directly from the beekeeper is always preferable to honey from the supermarket. It also has a better ecological balance than imported organic honey, which has already been transported thousands of kilometers under its belt and, moreover, can be heated to a high temperature for shelf life.



Immerhin: Honig von deutschen Imkern war imTest unbelastet, genauso wie Produkte aus Südosteuropa und dem fairen Handel. Bei Letzteren könnte der Grund darin liegen, dass klein-bäuerliche Imker ihren Honig in unbelasteten Regionen erzeugen, also bitte greifen Sie zum unbehandelten Naturprodukt


"Honey" from your region, from your beekeeper around the corner.



Think about it….

320,000 disposable coffee to go cups are sold every hour in Germany. That is an annual consumption of 2.8 billion cups, 43,000 trees have to be felled for this. 22,000 tons of crude oil, 1.5 billion liters of clean drinking water and 320 million kW / h of electricity are used for production.

This leaves 40,000 tons of waste, a small part of which can be recycled due to the composite materials used.

The average lifespan of a mug is around five minutes. So added value through MULTI-WAY


And the coffee capsules In 2008, around 800 tons of coffee capsules were sold in Germany. According to the association, in 2014 it was 17,750 tons in 2015 it was 20,600 tons.

Eine durchschnittliche Kapsel besteht aus zwei bis drei Gramm Verpackung und sechs bis sieben Gramm Kaffee. Das ist ein unglaublich schlechtes Verhältnis. 

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